Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Welcome To Holbox - I have an El Norte to give you!

You heard it straight from the mouth of Mother Nature! She presented us with the most amazing El Norte today/tonight.

We awoke to mostly cloudy skies this morning and after walking into town the rain became torrential. Lucky for us, THAT episode was short lived. We were able to visit most of the places that we held close to our hearts from our visit one year ago only to find that many changes have taken place in such a short period of time.

They don't track the weather here; you're better off asking a local fisherman for any direction on that. There was some talk amongst the rumor mill that a norte would be blowing through today and my, oh my, were we able to see the mighty hand of God at His finest. The wind picked up and shortly after, we were able to be a part of one of the strongest storms this tiny island has seen in years! The wind here tonight is blowing like mad, the ocean has enveloped itself into one of the pools at one of the local beachfront hotels and most of the first story rooms are flooded.

Fisherman were dragging in nets and moving boats inland and it reminded me of how us folks in the lowcountry prepare for a hurricane. I appreciate the fact that we normally travel to facilities that have small kitchenettes so cooking is an option for us because tonight, town was shut down completely. We are in hopes that things will resume to normal tomorrow along with locals assessing their damage.

Anyway, I'll close for now only to say that I am thankful that we were able to witness such an amazing sight today! Night, all!
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