Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Sad Face

I have my sad face on today. My little girl is traveling with her dad to Ohio for 5 days. Although I have been away from her, she has never been away from me out of her element.

I did better than I thought this morning when we were saying our goodbye's. I truly hope she has a great time.

Her plane hasn't left the ground and I already miss her sweet face.

Chef Ed is working all week so he won't be much company but he has the best shoulder to cry on. (Speaking of which- he went to the dermatologist yesterday and they removed a suspicious mole on his back. WTH?? I have looked over that back a ga-zillion times and I have never seen anything of interest.)

Anyway, it's gonna be a long 5 days.

Maybe I'll get a massage or something.

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