Sunday, November 9, 2008

Am I Standing On Holy Ground?

I often look at my life and I am constantly reminded of the many facets that it has. I wear many hats - a mom, a co-worker, a friend, a sister, a daughter, a spouse. I am having a hard time deciding what role I need to be in right now. The pre-grief that I feel prior to my brother's passing is already taking a toll on all of us. There is nothing more tormenting than waiting for someone to die. I have humbled myself over the last few days. I am trying to figure out what focus my life is going to take once this is all said and done. Am I going to "lighten up" about the simple things in life or am I going to walk around in total paranoia that everyone around me will one day go to meet their maker and smother the ones that I love the most?

I am reading a book that was recommended reading by a friend and co-worker that talks about the glimpses of Heaven. It was written by a former hospice nurse and her perspective and experiences of patients and families that have traveled the journey through the end of life experience. The author reminds us there are many important lessons that people are trying to teach us moments before they die. We had better listen. We are standing on holy ground during these moments and we dare not miss one of them.

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